
Death Defiant: A 5e Drop-and-Play Adventure

Created by One-Eyed Werebear Gaming

Demons, the divine and death collide in a battle against destruction for 5th Edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Released!
9 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 03:34:11 PM

Hello Everyone!

Surveys Sent

After a successful smoke test survey, we've released all Backerkit surveys for Death Defiant. Check your inbox!!

As a reminder, the Backerkit pledge manager will close Feb. 10 and it will charge cards on Feb. 11.

Production Progress

We are continuing to wrap up our final editing of the module and layout has begun. We've also received our final art piece, which means everything is rolling along at the pace we hoped.

We'll send out our next update close to the Backerkit closing dates.

Until then, happy gaming!

One-Eyed Werebear team

Thank You and What's Next!
9 months ago – Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 09:43:02 AM

First off, thank you! 

We are very excited about this project and we're grateful for all your support.

What's Next

Backerkit Survey

We are in the process of finalizing our Backerkit pledge manager and we will be sending out the Backerkit survey smoke test within the next few days. If everything comes back correctly, we'll be sending out the rest of the surveys by next weekend. We'll post our next update when we send the surveys out.

Our Backerkit pledge manager will close on Feb. 10.

Production Progress

The writing is complete and we're into final editing. We also have two of three art pieces completed from our artist. This means the next major step is layout and design.

Once again, we're blown away by your support and we can't wait to get this adventure into your hands.

Happy gaming!

The One-Eyed Werebear team

Just 5 Hours Left!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 02:39:36 PM

We're down to the last few hours of this Kickstarter campaign, and we're really happy about how it turned out. The large backing is allowing us to commission more artwork and we're really excited about the way everything is looking!

The previous update showed where we were heading the zombie horde, it's almost done, and this is where we are: 

We have one last project we'd like to give a shout out to, it's Dungeonmania, and they're doing some amazing stuff with maps, and all for 1 Euro!

Check them out!

Update #4: Artistic Flair
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 08:51:57 PM


Within the bowels of the Temple Catacombs are many answers... though you may need to fight your way through the hateful dead in order to claim them.

Action at its finest: You and your friends vs. the world.

This original art by Eugenio Forsali is under development for the adventure, and we think you'll be as hyped as we are to see it take shape. You can check out more of Eugenio's fantastic work on his Artstation page.

Featured in this line art is a scene from the adventure, merely one of the many challenges your party may face as it pieces events (and themselves) back together. This isn't even the climax of the module!

The ravenous dead present an obstacle, but one your party may relish in conquering. Clearly their violent hatred is no match for your... violent... hey, wait a minute; is your party part of the solution, or part of the problem?

As we enter our final few days for the Kickstarter, we hope you share in our anticipation of the adventure and the good times you will share around your table.

Community Spotlight

 D100 Tavern Events

Are you prepared to set off on a journey? With "D100 Tavern Events" each roll of the dice starts a whole new event - you're in a tavern where a map to a lost treasure trove is suddenly discovered under a floorboard, or a mysterious stranger invites you to a game of dice in the corner.

Starting at £1 you receive all unlocked D100 lists of this project starting with Tavern Events. These lists are ideal for crafting memorable moments, side quests, and standalone adventures!

Check it out here!

 Brain Duster

Brain Duster is a system neutral TTRPG adventure that will take you on a mind bending journey. Your players will find themselves the victims of a foul ruse and have to navigate through a twisted reality fueled by their own hallucinations.

Bizarre characters and outlandish scenarios will be around every turn as your party makes its way deeper into the Dazed Glade. Will they survive their trials and reverse the psychedelic spell cast by the Brain Duster?

Check it out here!

Update #3: Fatal Wounds!
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 06:05:49 PM

You Wake Up Dead. Without Any Bubble-Gum.

Death Defiant begins with player characters waking up and getting back to their feet, only to find that they have done battle. And lost. Badly. 

Their flesh is grey and dead, yet they are still alive... sort of. The power coursing through the Temple has run amok, and the player-characters are animated and in control of themselves. They will begin by taking stock of their physical (and spiritual) condition: a table of fatal wounds is included in the adventure for characters to roll on. Read on for a preview of things to come...

GM: Your eyes open and you stagger to your feet, pulling yourselves bodily off the floor. And the pile of corpses you were laying among.

Demetria: Oh, dark gods - did Haroldcles go drinking again and sweep us up in the debauchery?

Haroldcles: Hey! That would be awesome. But I didn't do that. This time.

GM: Correct! (this time). As you turn to look at Haroldcles, you see a ruin of the man you once knew. Haroldcles, roll a d6.

Haroldcles: Uh, 4. And for the record, we are all just shattered husks, wandering aimlessly in this wide world, until the eternity of empty void takes us all into its inevitable embrace. [Drinks deeply from a wine-skin and the wine leaks out of holes in his abdomen].

GM: Sections of your skin have melted away, and the area surrounding these terrible gaps is covered with crimson boils. Moving feels like your skin is pulling, tearing, even creaking with each small adjustment. And now wine is leaking out of your abdomen along with congealed blood in a grim spray.

Hippocrates: I do say old chum! You like like death warmed over. [Sees GM motion for him to roll too]. Yes, yes - 1.

GM: Your chest has been caved in on the left side by a mighty blow, and broken ribs poke out from behind your clothing and armor. Your jaw is cracked and askew. Any attempts to talk produce a grinding sound from your broken jawbone.

Hippocrates: Ga-hhhh-gruk--ufff-ugghhh-ur-nall...

GM: Oddly, your voice still emanates clearly for the others to hear. 

Haroldcles: Hey! We were messed up long before this misadventure got started. Also, your mom is like death warmed over. She says "hi" by the way.

Demetria: [Massaging her temples in a vain attempt to remain calm. Flips a d6 when the GM points at her next]. 3.

GM: Demetria, your open wounds ooze dark, clotted blood and you feel a click in your elbow every time you move it. The bones are definitely broken, but somehow your grip and movement are not effected.

Harodcles: Fine, let's get out of here. This place is dead anyways.


We have a d6 table in the adventure of fatal wounds, and we are prepared to expand it. Reply to this update in Comments to make suggestions. We will incorporate the best ideas to expand the table!


Community Spotlight

Ars Mechanica - The Frozen Enigma - 5E Steampunk Adventure

Winter is coming apparently, and those were warm days compared to where we're heading now.

Welcome to "Ars Mechanica: The Frozen Enigma", a Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition adventure taking us into the frigid norths of the Mousewenian Theocracy, in the world of Aerathain. Following their journey, the adventurers set out to a secluded city that has been frozen overnight. Their adventure will take them throughout the region, uncovering dangerous secrets.

Spread across 57 pages of icy narrative, adventurers from levels 12 to 15 will face a world where frost, machinery and magic is spreading everywhere with some intriguing new mechanics to survive into the cold!

If you never heard about Ars Mechanica and you would like to join this new steampunk adventure, the campaign give you the opportunity to buy the first 4 books at a special price!

Are you ready, to brave the new chapter of Ars Mechanica?

Snowblind - DnD 5e Adventure & STL Files

Discover a world where snow conceals ancient alien secrets in this adventure for D&D 5e, featuring exclusive printable STL files!

Snowblind asks the exciting question: "What happens when a traditional TTRPG world collides with ancient alien technology?" The result is a setting where magic meets the mysterious and powerful remnants of a bygone alien race. Encounter frontier settlements intertwined with alien relics, face a chilling cult (pun totally intended), and awaken an ancient alien craft of monumental proportions.

Unique Features to Discover:

  • Ancient Alien Technology: Unlock secrets and use unearthed alien tech to gain an edge in your quests.
  • Sci-Fi Fantasy Fusion: Experience a seamless blend of classic D&D elements with futuristic sci-fi.
  • New Monsters and Challenges: Face off against unique creatures and navigate through alien-influenced landscapes.

Discover the mysteries and check out Snowblind here.

Secrets from beneath the ice are calling adventurers... the question is, will you answer?